Sconce Lighting Ideas

Sconce Lighting Ideas
Sconce Lighting Ideas

Wall sconces have been used since prehistoric times when the people of a cave dwelling would place a crude bowl of animal fat fitted with a crude wick into a rock jutting out of the cave. Over the years the changes in the basic design have stayed close to the same while the fixtures have evolved from candles to electrical bulbs.

Sconce Lighting Ideas

Summer is a wonderful time of the year and many homes have patios or outdoor rooms to enjoy both the sunny days as well as the beautiful cool evenings. Furnishing your outdoor room can be as exciting as decorating for the indoors and there are hundreds of ways to enhance your outdoor room.

Sconce Lighting Ideas

Start with your basic furniture. You may choose to have a space for outdoor dining, entertaining or simply relaxing. Wicker furniture has been the staple of outdoor dining and living furniture due to its durability as well as the natural appeal of wicker. Chaises and benches are wonderful additions that add style as well as extra seating for guests.

Sconce Lighting Ideas

Sconce Lighting Ideas

Sconce Lighting Ideas

Sconce Lighting Ideas

Sconce Lighting Ideas
Sconce Lighting Ideas

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