Salt Lamp

Salt Lamp
Salt Lamp

Natural salt lamps are a unique way you can improve the quality of your sleep. A natural salt lamp is basically a salt crystal with a light source built into it. These natural salt crystals were created millions of years ago and are mostly found in salt mines around the world. The heat from the light source causes the crystal to emit an electrical charge, releasing negative ions into the air. Negative ions are the "vitamins of the air", and are beneficial to our health and well being.

Salt Lamp


Health practitioners in Europe, North America, Australia and Japan have been using salt crystal lamps extensively in their treatments for ailments such as snoring, allergies, sinus problems, to reduce asthma attacks, respiratory problems and to enhance the immune system.

Salt Lamp

Our homes are full of volatile organic compounds that can seriously affect our health. For example, a 15-year study concluded that women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than those who work away from home. This was a direct result of the increased exposure to toxic chemicals, many of which are found in common household products. Negative ions can help mitigate these volatile organic compounds.

Salt Lamp

The Environmental Protection Agency in the U.S. maintains that indoor air pollution is one of the top five threats to public health. It should come as no surprise then that many hospitals in Europe make ionization mandatory. Without doubt, Himalayan salt crystal lamps do work. They are a very attractive feature in any house, very safe, and can be used in every room in your home. For optimal results, your salt crystal lamp should be left on as much as possible.

Salt Lamp

Salt Lamp

Salt Lamp

Salt Lamp
Salt Lamp

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