Lightpot Makes Indoor Plants Even More Appealing

Lightpot Makes Indoor Plants Even More Appealing
Lightpot Makes Indoor Plants Even More Appealing

Eco Factor: Lamp by Studio Shulab grows with the plant.
We all love indoor plants, and there is nothing better than planting some herbs that could then be used in your favorite delicacy. However, pots to play an important role if you’ve to grow some herbs in your living room or your kitchen. Studio Shubal has designed a cool Lightpot prototype planter that comes with a built-in telescopic LED light, which then grows in time with the plant.

Lightpot Makes Indoor Plants Even More Appealing

Since the LED lighting provides the herbs with adequate energy, the Lightpot can be placed anywhere in the house and in any light condition. The Lightpot premiered at the IMM Cologne 2009 and once on the shelves, it will be available in different colors to suit your needs.

Lightpot Makes Indoor Plants Even More Appealing

The Dark Side:
Since plants are made to convert the sun’s energy into usable form, spending valuable electricity to mimic the same doesn’t seem a green idea.

Lightpot Makes Indoor Plants Even More Appealing
Lightpot Makes Indoor Plants Even More Appealing

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